The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. - Theodore Hesburgh
This quote is essentially reciprocal. It highlights the fact that the best thing for children is a stable loving home, in which the parents are still in love. They model love. I searched for polls and statistics of marriage and love, and I didn't find much. What i did find was more statistics on marriage and divorce. It did interest me that the US has the lowest rate world wide of children who are raised by both biological parents at 63%. Could parents have saved the relationship if they continued to foster their love? I believe so. No matter how many years from now, when I look back on this blog, I want to hold tight onto my husband and feel the exact same way. In a few days I'll post a few of the books that have spoken strongly to me. I'd love to hear your suggestions on any websites or books that have supported you in parenting or relationships.
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