The past three weeks have been a whirlwind with baby shopping. Yes, I am only 18 weeks, but the Spring Baby and Kid Consignment Sale season is only February-April. Consignment sales have it all! Every weekend, there are local consignment sales that have a vast assortment of ently used cribs, Pack-n-Plays, high chairs, swings, bouncers, clothes, toys, bedding, and more.
But what a success I have had! I've loaded up on all of the essentials for a newborn, and I haven't had to break the bank. I'm shopping now because the fall season is August and September, during which I will be either 9 months pregnant, or caring for a newborn.
How did I stumble upon this consignment sale world? I don't remember exactly. I think that when Josh and Anna Duggar were getting ready for their first born, they aired an episode where Anna went to a consignment sale in their area and found great deals.
I like the frugality of the sales along with the green-ness of purchasing gently used items. Here are two websites that pointed me to my local consignment sales: (Atlanta, Ga area)
But what a success I have had! I've loaded up on all of the essentials for a newborn, and I haven't had to break the bank. I'm shopping now because the fall season is August and September, during which I will be either 9 months pregnant, or caring for a newborn.
How did I stumble upon this consignment sale world? I don't remember exactly. I think that when Josh and Anna Duggar were getting ready for their first born, they aired an episode where Anna went to a consignment sale in their area and found great deals.
I like the frugality of the sales along with the green-ness of purchasing gently used items. Here are two websites that pointed me to my local consignment sales: (Atlanta, Ga area)
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