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A blog about a mom with a crazy boy and a new baby girl trying to figure it all out and keep life simple.

Monday, March 22, 2010


       The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. - Theodore Hesburgh

This quote is essentially reciprocal. It highlights the fact that the best thing for children is a stable loving home, in which the parents are still in love. They model love. I searched for polls and statistics of marriage and love, and I didn't find much. What i did find was more statistics on marriage and divorce. It did interest me that the US has the lowest rate world wide of children who are raised by both biological parents at 63%. Could parents have saved the relationship if they continued to foster their love? I believe so. No matter how many years from now, when I look back on this blog, I want to hold tight onto my husband and feel the exact same way. In a few days I'll post a few of the books that have spoken strongly to me. I'd love to hear your suggestions on any websites or books that have supported you in parenting or relationships.

Elimination Communication

[Wikipedia] Elimination Communication is a toilet training practice in which a caregiver uses timing, signals, cues, and intuition to address an infant's need to eliminate waste. Typically the goal is to partially or completely avoid the use of diapers. EC emphasizes communication between the caregiver and child, helping them both become more attuned to the child's innate rhythms and control of urination and defecation. Some practitioners of EC begin soon after birth, although it can be started with babies of any age.

Some people might have just freaked out at the thought of this. Everyone in my family has thought me crazy for considering it. I like the concept because, much like breastfeeding, you are responding to the needs of your infant or toddler.  I plan to try a Part-Time EC, or maybe even Occasional EC, method by focusing on EC-ing primarily when at home. I feel that when I am the primary caregiver of my child, I will become aware of and able to respond to my child's elimination needs. I will use cloth diapers at home as a backup.

My best resource has become To prepare, I want to read The Diaper-Free Baby: The Natural Toilet Training Alternative by Christine Gross-loh. Although you can position your child over the toilet, It will also be nice to have a child's potty. 
The Diaper-Free Baby: The Natural Toilet Training Alternative

BABYBJÖRN Little Potty - Blue

Monday, March 15, 2010

Prediction for Baby Carriers

As I register for all of my presumably necessary baby items, one area that I plan on splurging on is baby carriers. I plan to be a baby wearing momma. Some frugal people make their own versions of these carriers, and can even replace the need for a stroller, but I plan to have one just in case.

From all of my research, these are the slings that I plan to try, and my predictions on how they will perform:

1. BABY BJÖRN Baby Carrier Original - City Black
BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Original - City Black
This carrier is a common retail favorite. I like that the baby can be facing my body or outward. My husband wanted it immediately and said that it was the only one he would agree to use, I think based on the style and ease of use factor. It is very quick to put on.

2. Moby Wrap Baby Carrier-PACIFIC
Moby Wrap Baby Carrier-PACIFIC-Limited Edition Color
I am really excited about getting a Moby Wrap as a baby carrier. It is a long piece of fabric that can be wrapped around your body for an unlimited amount of baby holds. I like that the baby will be held snugly against my body like in the womb. Babies can be carried in the front, and on the back of your body. Check out the following YouTube Videos for instructions on a Moby Wrap.

Original Maya Wrap Sling (NOT PADDED) BRIGHT STRIPE - Medium3. Original Maya Wrap Sling 
I have to be honest, I didn't intend to purchase this sling. I thought that I was purchasing a Moby Wrap (See Number 2). But, having tried it on, I can see the benefits of a fabric sling. It can easily put on and also stowed in a purse or a diaper bag. The Maya Wrap Sling has a comfortable material that is breathable for the baby. I have yet to see how the distribution of weight will feel, but I easily carried my 13 lb terrier mutt in it the other day.

4. Freehand Mei Tai Baby Carrier
Freehand Mei Tai Baby Carrier - Theresa
What I like about the Mei Tai style of baby carriers is how quickly you can wear your baby. Again, the baby can be worn on your front or on your back. A padded Mei Tai can distribute baby's weight across your shoulders and hips. I think that I will like this one the best during the toddler years.

Well, those are the four baby carriers that I plan to try. Have you had any success with a specific carrier? Stay tuned for a post with links on making your own carriers, for all of you crafty people.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Consignment Sales

The past three weeks have been a whirlwind with baby shopping. Yes, I am only 18 weeks, but the Spring Baby and Kid Consignment Sale season is only February-April. Consignment sales have it all! Every weekend, there are local consignment sales that have a vast assortment of ently used cribs, Pack-n-Plays, high chairs, swings, bouncers, clothes, toys, bedding, and more.

But what a success I have had! I've loaded up on all of the essentials for a newborn, and I haven't had to break the bank. I'm shopping now because the fall season is August and September, during which I will be either 9 months pregnant, or caring for a newborn.

How did I stumble upon this consignment sale world? I don't remember exactly. I think that when Josh and Anna Duggar were getting ready for their first born, they aired an episode where Anna went to a consignment sale in their area and found great deals.

I like the frugality of the sales along with the green-ness of purchasing gently used items. Here are two websites that pointed me to my local consignment sales: (Atlanta, Ga area)

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