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A blog about a mom with a crazy boy and a new baby girl trying to figure it all out and keep life simple.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

First Post

Along with the New Year comes the realization of this blog. For some time, I wondered what I could write about. I am a wife, I am carrying my first child, I am an engineer, I am athletic, and I am a friend. Well, that’s all fine and dandy, but what does that give me to talk about?

After several futile attempts at various blogs on the topics above, I stumbled onto my voice. I realized that family is what I am passionate. I hope that you will read along as I experience the birth of a new family and learn invaluable lessons along my journey as a new mother and wife.

This blog will touch on so many things while exploring the simple family life. I hope that it is a blessing to you as I know it will be to me.

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