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A blog about a mom with a crazy boy and a new baby girl trying to figure it all out and keep life simple.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Review of baby carriers

My original post Prediction for baby carriers listed four carriers there. I will give a short review and add three other carriers as well. 

BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Original - City Black
This carrier is a common retail favorite. I like that the baby can be facing my body or outward. My husband wanted it immediately and said that it was the only one he would agree to use, I think based on the style and ease of use factor. It is very quick to put on.

I ended up giving this to my sister, who had a smaller baby and was okay with this style of carrier. I had a big baby and this carrier did not support my low back. I also did not like how the baby's weight is distributed. It wasn't that easy to put on either. Rating: C 

I am really excited about getting a Moby Wrap as a baby carrier. It is a long piece of fabric that can be wrapped around your body for an unlimited amount of baby holds. I like that the baby will be held snugly against my body like in the womb. Babies can be carried in the front, and on the back of your body. Check out the following YouTube Videos for instructions on a Moby Wrap.

My sister and I were both overwhelmed by the amount of fabric. We both had the black wrap and didn't like how boring it was. I've since looked into other wraps stretchy and woven, but haven't bought any because the Moby really does it's job for the first few months. I was able to master several carries. My baby liked it. I might also shorten it.  I plan to add a center panel to make it more interesting. It is one of the longest wraps on the market, almost unnecessarily so. In my opinion, longer wraps are needed when you use complicated carries with a woven wrap to wear your child on your back. RATING: B  

I have to be honest, I didn't intend to purchase this sling. I thought that I was purchasing a Moby Wrap (See Number 2). But, having tried it on, I can see the benefits of a fabric sling. It can easily put on and also stowed in a purse or a diaper bag. The Maya Wrap Sling has a comfortable material that is breathable for the baby. I have yet to see how the distribution of weight will feel, but I easily carried my 13 lb terrier mutt in it the other day.

I used this sling often when he could hold his head up. I didn't like how long the tail was...except it did help to keep him warm in the winter. Again, I had the black sling, which was super boring. Get a fun colored one! I'll use this sling again, but I will probably shorten the tail. RATING: B+

Freehand Mei Tai Baby Carrier - Theresa
What I like about the Mei Tai style of baby carriers is how quickly you can wear your baby. Again, the baby can be worn on your front or on your back. A padded Mei Tai can distribute baby's weight across your shoulders and hips. I think that I will like this one the best during the toddler years.

I have not bought a Mei Tai (YET) but I think that it would have been okay for us. I am still keeping my eye out at consignment sales for a bargain. 

The other carriers that I accumulated:

This carrier is my dream carrier. I think that I will prefer to use it as a toddler carrier though. I am looking into getting the infant insert.  I love the way it distributes the weight and I hardly feel pressure on my shoulders. It is very well made. I recommend buying or making an organic drool guard. My kids loves to chew/suck on the straps. I've easily hiked while breastfeeding with this thing. My main criticism is that the straps are bulkier than I like (a trade off for the comfort). I also found the slit in the carrier slightly problematic (shirts and jackets riding up) and less comfortable for my baby. A pocket could have been incorporated in the hood area. RATING: A

2. Chunei
I was very excited to get a chunei (for $7 on consignment). However, my excitement faded once I tried my 1 year old in the carrier. I found that the pressure the carrier put on my son's legs directly applied to my hips. There wasn't a way around this. I do think, however, that this will be an excellent infant carrier. Another downfall is that the velcro is "wake-your-baby-up loud". Newer chunei's have gone away from velcro. RATING: C


4. My Self-Made Buckle-Tai
I worked very hard to create a buckle tai. It worked well for me for a while. But to be honest, after getting an ERGO, you can tell a big difference in the design and construction quality. My pretty fabrics did not stand the test of time either. I made this for $30 and a week's worth of work. It took a lot of time. I had a base pattern, but there were things that I added or changed that took a while to figure out. While I give myself an A for effort, my rating is a C. 

My carrier collection is ever expanding. I am looking into buying or making a Baby K'tan Baby Carrier. I'm interested to see if it has less fabric than a Moby wrap. I like that it will distribute the weight over both shoulders, but it does not look like it transfers any of the weight to the waist, which you can do with a Moby. I'll let you know if I get one to try.

Carriers are awesome and I feel so incredibly womanly when I wear my babies!

Getting ready for baby number two

I'm officially blogging about baby number two before our friends and family know about it. Why? I've thus far kept my online life (as humble as it is) and my personal life separate. Thats just how I like it. We are very excited. Since we've switched to a midwife practice, we haven't had the early vaginal ultrasound and we're waiting until we hear the heartbeat to announce the good news.

Anyhow, I've been researching up a storm on how to get ready for this new baby due in 7 months. They will be 25 months apart. There are a lot of moms blogging about "two under two", which seems like it somewhat will apply. So, I'm assembling tips and tricks, mainly common sense.

I recommend the following

The tips that they provide are all common sense. Mom: be on top of your game, give yourself a break when you are not. Dad: take the oldest under your wing, offer to pitch in more. With that in mind, I've formed on overly idealistic game plan for surviving with a newborn and a toddler.

Plan for Lil' C:

  1. Read books about becoming a brother and about a new baby. I'll let you know which ones we like as we go.
  2. Work on his ability to respond to verbal commands like come, stop, sit, and others helpful cues. 
  3. Give him more opportunities to walk around with me.
  4. Ease him into the new routines that we'll likely have once the baby comes.
  5. Get a baby doll and start practicing holding it, showing affection. 
  6. Encourage his independence for self care tasks.
  7. Pre-plan table or busy bag activities for him to do while I am nursing.
  8. Encourage more outings with Daddy. 
Plan for Daddy & Mommy: 
  1. Lower my expectations. We're in a pretty good groove right now, but I know that's going to take some time to re-establish. 
  2. Take one nap a day. I am praying that I'll be able to align one of their naps. 
  3. Stock the freezer with go-to meals for the first two weeks. 
  4. Pre-section snacks so that they are easy to grab. 
  5. Find a way to date. Keep up our weekly Netflix movie night that comes standard with home-popped popcorn. 
  6. Have a basic grocery list so that mommy brain won't get the best of me. Leave one in husband's car so he'll be able to do the shopping in a pinch. 
  7. Wake up before they do. * This will be hard for me. I'm not sure how I'll be able to get dressed otherwise. I really just need 15 minutes. 
  8. Get ready for the next day once they are asleep.
    1. Restock diaper bag & backpack.
    2. Prepare bottles, breakfast & lunches.
    3. Plan for the next day, check weather & calendar
  9. Get a stroller and a half or a double stroller. 
  10. Utilize all of my baby carrying gear like my Moby Wrap & Maya Ring Sling (both of which I'd like to spice them up to make them prettier) and my ERGO. I actually picked up a chunei (for $7!) which I am excited to use with a newborn. 
  11. Breakout all of the old baby gear; swing, bumbo, pack-n-play, bouncer, play gym. Wash ahead of time.
  12. Create a modest baby registry... just in case anyone wants to get me something. 
  13. Get out of the house when the weather is good. 

This is part of my plan for now. It is out of my head and into cyberspace. I hope that it will work and help others!

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